Jessica Melore
Motivational Speaker

Media Features


MTV (2011)
NBC Nightly News with Chuck Scarborough (2011--click title to view)
Tournament of Roses Parade (ABC, NBC, KTLU) (2011)
Good Morning America (2010--click title to view)
ABC Philadelphia (2010)
National PSA promoting Organ Donation for Roche Pharmaceuticals (2005)
Organ Donation PSA for Cablevision (2005)
Good Morning America (2002)
Temple University Hospital Commercial (2001)
CNE Cable Network (2001)
NJN Channel 12 (2001)
Extra! (June) (2000)
Good Morning America (Thanksgiving) (1999)
Dateline NBC (1999)
NBC Philadelphia (1999)
ABC Nightly News (1999)
Good Morning America (April) (1999)
Hard Copy (1999)
Extra! (1999)
CNN local edition (1999)
ABC Florida (1999)
Telemundo (1999)
Informational video for TCI Heartmate (1999)


Print/Web (2012 "20 Million in 2012" Campaign Launch--click title to view)
Huffington Post (2011 Contributor--click title to view)
AOL Health (2011--click title to view)
New York Daily News (2010--click title to view)
Wall Street Journal (2010)
Washington Examiner (2010)
Associated Press (Featured in over 580 news outlets nationwide) (2010)
Cosmopolitan Magazine (2008)
Woman’s Day (2006)
Glamour Magazine Contributing Writer (2005)
Star Ledger ('12/'10/'05/'03/'00/'99)
Courier News ('12/'11/'10/'05/'03/'02/'00/'99)
Sentinel of Woodbridge (2005)
Catholic Digest (2004)
GLAMOUR Magazine's Top 10 College Women (2002)
National Geographic Explorer for Kids: (article on the heart and transplantation) (2002)
In Motion Magazine (nation-wide amputee magazine)(2002)
Daily Princetonian (campus newspaper)(2002/99)
Princeton Alumni Weekly(2002)
Princeton University Weekly Bulletin(2002)
Trenton Times (2002)
New York Post (2002)
USTA Magazine (2002)
Princeton Packet (1999)
Trentonian (1999)
Somerset Messenger Gazette (1999)


1010 WINS (2010)
CBS Radio (2010)
NJ 101.5 (2010)
1450 WCTC w/Bill Mayer (live 2-hour interview discussing the importance of organ donation) (2005)
95.5 WPLJ w/Bill Ayers (live interview, answered questions from incoming callers, offering advice for dealing with adversity) (2003)
89.7 WDVR w/Carol Bernodas (live interview, promoted heart disease awareness among women) (2004)
1450 WCTC (live interview, promoted heart disease awareness among women) (2004)