
Through her advocacy work, Jessica has collaborated with many charities and non-profits who work tirelessly to support patients and families through life-saving research and educational programs. We hope the following links will prove useful if you or someone you know is facing a challenge or want to get involved.


Register to be an organ and tissue donor.


LLS funds research to cure blood cancers and provides a host of resources to patients and families. Jessica previously served on the NJ Chapter Board of Directors and is currently a national ambassador.


LRF funds research to cure lymphoma and has a network of young adult support services.


Harboring Hearts provides heart patients and their families with financial assistance during a time of need. Jessica was an original founding member and currently serves on the Board of Directors. View her tips on why patient/doctor relationships matter.


Solving Kids’ Cancer finds, funds, and manages novel, high-impact clinical research to improve survival of the deadliest childhood cancers.


Stupid Cancer works to empower a community of young adult cancer patients and survivors.


Network of advocates dedicated to promoting and fostering the power of turning personal challenges into service to others with similar challenges.


AHA funds research supporting heart disease prevention and treatment, coping strategies, and resources for a heart-healthy lifestyle. Jessica has served as an ambassador and keynote speaker at numerous AHA events, including NJ’s Go! Red for Women – 10 years after speaking at the inaugural luncheon.


NKF focuses on kidney disease prevention, transplant options, and support services. Jessica has served on the patient advisory transAction Executive committee.